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beautiful losers




.....du skal op

min drømme ven

where are you walking

tonight dear friend

did you give up meet?

are you disarmed

and empty?

an instrument of grace

could you

stop talking?

has loneliness

led you into ecstasy?

A grotesk limp can ruin a straw

Which I begin in a new suit

Cleaned, shawed and whistling

I envied you the certainty

That you would amount to nothing

I covered the magic of torn clothes

I was never drunk enough

Never poor enough

Never rich enough

all this hurts 

perhaps it hurts enough?

it makes me want to cry out for comfort

it makes me stretch my hands out horizontally

Yes I long to be president of the new republic

I'd love to hear the armed teenagers chant my name

Outside the hospital gates

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

For my last 30 days

Let me be president

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Let me be president

For my last 30 days

Let me be president

For my last 30 days

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Long live the revolution

Let me be president

For my last 30 days

Så tog vi en über

fra det der hostel der

Så lavede vi lige en bestilling


fordi vi skulle ind til Vesterbro


og købe af en eller anden

så hvad hedder det,


så tog vi en über derind


Sådan sad i überen


og tog den samme über tilbage 

Sådan der, ham chaufføren der


han fattede ikke en skid 

så på vej tilbage

så bad vi ham om at skrue mere op for radioen og sådan.

Så sad jeg bare og linede op bag ved 


og så sad vi bare og tog streger bag ved 

i den der über der, 


så gav jeg den så frem til Ganny

og han sad ved siden af ham über chaufføren


og så sad vi bare og tog streger bag ved 

og så sad vi og tog streger og sådan noget der 

Det var også en lang tur han havde os ude på,


så det..,


han tjente jo nogle penge ikk?

og så sad vi bare og tog streger bag ved 

Så var der bare fucking mange mennesker på minibar


og sådan noget der,


det er så let at komme i kontakt med damer på minibar.

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